Portfolio interactive projects

A selection of projects I did in the past, for various clients, with different creative teams.

EU-JAMRAI infographic

More than ever, we should be aware of the importance of a joint approach on global health issues. This interactive visualization shows the outcomes of country-to-country peer review system on antimicrobial resistance.

River Basin Delta Tool infographic

River Basin Delta Tool
This website –packed with interactive maps, charts and infographics– shows how river and delta systems work under different scenarios, and how we can bend the trend towards a more sustainable future.

CEPI infographic

Paper for Recycling is a key raw material for the paper industry. Through a series of operations this raw material is converted into new paper and board products. This interactive application supports stakeholders in the paper industry in becoming more sustainable.

Cleaner air for all infographic

Cleaner air for all
This interactive visualisation show the European Commission proposes to address air pollution in Europe.

Portfolio visualization projects

Process visualisation infographic

Anonymous client Process visualisation

Concept and design: Karin Schwandt

Louis Bolk Instituut infographic

Louis Bolk Instituut Annual report

Concept and art direction: Karin Schwandt Illustration: Jeroen van Ingen

HOYA infographic

HOYA Anatomy and correction of the eye

Concept and design: Karin Schwandt Illustration: Steffie Padmos

Future water challenge infographic

PBL Future Water Challenges

Concept and art direction: Karin Schwandt Illustration: Jeroen van Ingen Graphic design: Suzanne Bakkum

River Basin Delta Tool infographic

PBL River Basin Delta Tool

Creative direction and design: Karin Schwandt Editor: Wilfried ten Brinke Development: Leukeleu

Cirque du Data infographic


Research and design: Karin Schwandt Illustration: Steffie Padmos

Schwandt NFI infographic jaarverslag

Netherlands Forensic institute Annual report 2014 in interactive infographics

Design and Illustrations: Roel de Jonge and Randy Beker Development: TND

Schwandt AstraZenica diabetes infographic

AstraZeneca Series of infographics on causes and symptoms of diabetes type 2

Concept and art direction: Karin Schwandt Research, design and illustration: Steffie Padmos and Leon de Korte

Schwandt Dura Vermeer

Dura Vermeer Infographic representing key figures for the annual report

Concept and art direction: Karin Schwandt Illustration: Randy Beker

Schwandt ministerie van infrastructuur en milieu infographic

Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment Series of infographics on knowledge management

Concept and art direction: Karin Schwandt Illustration: Jeroen van Ingen

Schwandt Egeria annual report infographic

IDH sustainable trade Initiative Data visualization on the production and export of coffee

Concept and design: Roel de Jonge Art Direction: Karin Schwandt

Schwandt ministerie van financiën infographic

Dutch Ministry of Finance Data visualization on the budget of governmental organizations

Concept and design: Roel de Jonge Art direction: Karin Schwandt

Schwandt Festival Atlas infographic

Festival Atlas Infographic representing key figures on festivals in the Netherlands

Concept and design: Karin Schwandt Illustration: Randy Beker

Schwandt KPN infographic kwartaalresultaten

KPN Infographic on quarterly results for investor relations

Concept and art direction: Karin Schwandt Illustration: Randy Beker

Schwandt Egeria infographic jaarverslag

Egeria Infographic showing history and key figures for the annual report

Art direction: Roel de Jonge Design and illustration: Leon de Korte